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Renee Wesseling - Guelph_ Ontario - Yoga Group Class - Yoga - Vinyasa - 2024 - Image by _s
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Liability Waiver &
Service Agreement

Please ensure you have carefully read, filled in, & submitted this Liability Waiver & Service Agreement, before attending class/ workshop or retreat. I thank you for your patience, it should only take a moment of your time. You will only be required to fill in our Liability Waiver once, before your FIRST class.


For all students under the age of 18 years old, a parent or guardians' signature will be required before attending class. Please click the button below to PRINT a copy of this liability waiver and arrive to class with it filled-in and signed by both the attending student and a consenting Parent or Guardian. 

Veedha Yoga Liability Waiver & Service Agreement Form



with RENEE WESSELING , 500hr Registered Yoga Instructor; or her assigns, agents, subcontractors or employees, hereinafter referred to singularly or collectively as the “trainer” on or before time of practice. 

I, the above named “Participant” and hereinafter referred to in the first person, agree to the purchase of one or more:

Cancellation Policy: 


All bookings are done through the website and clients profile.  When cancelling a class, return to your profile and cancel your class.  Cancellations for group class must be at least 12hrs before scheduled class time to receive credit to your account.  Cancellation of a group class inside of the 12hr of scheduled class time will be granted for medical emergencies only.  MISSED CLASSES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ANOTHER PERSON.

Please contact Renee directly via phone call or text at (519)994-2159.  



Bookings are done directly with Renee.  Cancellations for private practice must be at least 24hrs prior to scheduled class time.  Inside of that time cancellations/credit are granted for medical emergencies only.  Contact Renee directly for cancellations (519)994-2159.



Cancellations for workshops or special events must be done at least 24hrs prior to the event.  Inside that time cancellations/credits/refunds are granted for medical emergencies only.  Contact Renee Directly for cancellations (519)994-2159.


**See individual terms & conditions for your retreat for cancellation policy.**

In consideration of being accepted into the program, I agree to release and discharge Veedha Yoga and any of its subcontractors, employees, licensees, volunteers, supervisors, Renee Wesseling, Facilitator of Veedha Yoga, from any injuries sustained by me as a result of participation of this program.  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless, Veedha Yoga and any of its Licensees, sub-contractors, employees, volunteers and supervisors, facilities and owners of Veedha Yoga against any liability incurred as a result of injury or loss.  Fitness activities and programs such as yoga require that I be in good health and have no condition that could endanger my well-being through participation.  I will notify Veedha Yoga of any such defects in writing prior to enrolling in this program.  By accepting these outlined terms & conditions in the check field below the Participant agrees to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all of the parties referred to above from all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon said parties because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act and release said parties on behalf of myself and my successors.

Thanks for submitting!

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